14 Quality Quotes for Call Center Managers & Agents

shutterstock_155754371 1.  “Quality is the best business plan.” ~ Jahn Lasseter, PIXAR

2.  “Be a yardstick of Quality.” ~ Steve Jobs, Apple

3.  “Quality is not an act.  It is a habit.”  ~ Aristotle

4.  “When you’re out of Quality, you’re out of business.” ~ Anon

5.  “Our innovation makes us first, our Quality makes us last.” ~ Scott Adams, US Cartoonist

6.  “We have two ears and one mouth, so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” ~ Epictetus

7.  “Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten.” ~ Gucci Family Slogan

8.  “It is easier to do a job right, then to explain why you didn’t.” ~ Martin Van Buren

9.  “Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence — only in constant improvement and constant change.” ~ Tom Peters

10.  “If you build a great experience, customers tell each other about that.  Word of mouth is very powerful.” ~ Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com

11.  “Customer satisfaction is worthless.  Customer loyalty is priceless.”  ~ Jeffrey Gitomer

12.  “If you’re not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is.” ~ Jan Carlzon, ex-CEO SAP Group

13.  “In the world of Internet Customer Service, it’s important to remember your competitor is only one mouse click away.” ~ Doug Warner

14.  “Why wait to be memorable?” ~ Tony Robbins